Since hosting our first free forum 20 long years ago, ProBoards has focused on building a stable and innovative free forum hosting service that puts its members first.

Now boasting well over 16 million visitors every month, ProBoards has grown to host the largest and most diverse free forum community on the Internet. Having hosted the creation of millions of free forums for millions upon millions of message board users across the known universe, ProBoards truly is the seasoned veteran in this industry.

Message board administrators trust ProBoards' reliability and count on our dedication to providing prompt 24/7 support. Message board owners, who range from small hobby communities to large customer service organizations, enjoy ProBoards' free forum hosting features, powerful moderation controls and, variety of forum customization options available to them.

20 More Years

If you're thinking about moving your existing message board community, or contemplating starting and building a new free forum, we assure you that we're here for the long-haul. We've got 20 years behind us and are looking forward to providing the same quality service for the next 20. We encourage you to build your community with ProBoards; soon you'll understand why millions of savvy message board owners choose ProBoards' free forum hosting service.