ProBoards free forums are easy to setup, simple to manage and lots of fun to customize. Our vision is simple; discussion forums should be fun, powerful and free. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned moderator, your new social community can be up and running in just a few mouse clicks.

Quick, Easy Setup

Creating ProBoards free forums is quick and easy. Simply choose a name for your forum, submit the setup form, and an email will be sent with your activation code. Next, click the activation link in the email we send and you're ready to login to your very own discussion forum.

For those new to online forums, ProBoards "Getting Started Guide" is a great resource. Here you'll find answers to the most common questions members have when setting up new ProBoards forums including Forum Basics, Forum Best Practices, Customizing your Forum, and much more. We're always here for you; for additional 24/7 assistance, post your questions to the ProBoards Support Board.

Best Free Forums on the Web!

Unlimited members, unlimited posting, unlimited bandwidth! As the 2011 community choice winner for Best Forum Host, we've worked diligently to provide the features you like, the reliability you expect, and the customer support you count on.

With so many forum hosting and software options on the web, choosing the right solution can be a challenge. ProBoards' award winning service has provided free hosting to the world's largest community of online forums for over 12 years. With 22 million registered users participating in over 700,000 active forums, it's obvious who forum enthusiasts around the world trust to look after their communities. They trust ProBoards. Join the fun and create your new discussion forum today!