Want to have something other than your username display for your account on the forum? This is possible by changing your display name. A display name is a mask that displays in the online list, as well as in your profile on the forum. Unlike the username when you registered on the forum, your display name can contain spaces, capital letters, and special characters as desired.

To change the display name of your forum account, click on the Profile button found in the top menu bar to access your account profile. Once you are on your profile page, click on the button for Edit Profile. You'll then be taken to the Edit Profile & Settings page; once here, click on the Personal tab. When the Personal tab loads, you'll see the first option on the page for Display Name. Type in the name that you want your account to display as in the box provided and then click the Save Personal Settings button found toward the bottom of the page. When this is completed, you will notice that your profile will be updated to show the name that you updated with, as well as see it displayed in the mini-profile next to all of the posts that you make on the forum.

It is important to note that when you change your display name, the username that you originally registered with for your account will still be the name that you will use to log in to the forum. You will not be able to log in to the forum using your display name.