If you're having difficulty logging into your forum, here are some tips to remember:

Use the username you originally registered with on the forum – don't try to login with your account "display" name. Your username is the name you provided when you initially created the account on the forum. If you created the forum you're attempting to login to, your username is "admin". Also, ensure the username is typed all in lowercase, has no spaces and, is not your email address.

If this is your first time logging into your forum account, be sure to use the password you provided ProBoards on the registration page and not the activation key that was provided in your welcome email. Once you login to your forum with your username and password, you will then be asked for your activation key. You can also refer back to the ProBoards welcome email for your forum username if it's needed again in the future.

If you're getting an error saying you're using an invalid username / password combination, you can use our "Forgot Password" page to help recover your password. Access this page by clicking "Forgot Password" on the forum's login page. On the password recovery page you will be able to enter in your username or your email address to recover your password.

ProBoards uses browser cookies to keep you logged into your member account. If you do not have cookies enabled or have corrupt browser cookies, this may prevent you from staying logged into your forum. Check the settings of your web browser to ensure you have cookies enabled. If cookies are enabled but you're still having issues staying logged in, try clearing your temporary internet files (cookies & cache). After this, attempt another login to see if this has corrected your problem.