Seasons v0.0.1

By Robin  //  Overall Rating stars 6 Votes
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Coded by HawkintheHand, searches for an element with class="season".


June 6, 2015
This plugin is useless without the details of even how to place class="seasons" where we want it to go. I've just wasted the past two hours looking at tutorials and your plugin isn't working with anything that I've done. It should have been made more user friendly if it was meant for those of us who aren't that experienced with CSS or HTML.
December 21, 2014
This is very nice and all, but I don't know where to put it. o-o
stars By Jessica
July 23, 2014
I like this plugin idea a lot, but those without coding experience may be confused when it comes to placing the class="seasons".
stars By Robin
June 23, 2014
Just saying that I chose to do it where people can place it where they wish JUST so that people who want to place it wherever can. Sidebars, hover banners, its free for placement anywhere
stars By Megyn
June 22, 2014
I'm sure this is probably a great plug in but for those that have no coding experience and are new it doesn't give a lot of description to what this actually does. More information would be helpful.
June 22, 2014
The plugin is probably fine for really inexperienced users who can't get around ProBoard's features, as it gives you a place to store the image URLs and description of the seasons. However, if they're having to create a div class and place it somewhere, they may still get hung-up... The same can be done with the HTML Injection plugin, which lets you have unlimited injection points, or simply by "coding" it yourself. Why take up a plugin slot with something so limited when you can install one that gives more sparkle for the space?
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