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The board object provides functions for fetching and utilizing board data.

select[options], [callback])

Produces a dialog to allow selection of one or more of the forum's boards from a dropdown list. If a callback function is supplied the board IDs and names will be supplied as its parameters.

[options]selectOptionsParameters to be supplied to the dialog.
[callback]selectCallbackThe function to run when clicking the Select button in the dialog.


An object containing available options to be supplied to the method.


[dialogId]stringThe ID attribute to assign to the dialog.
[multiSelect]booleanIf true, allows selection of multiple boards.
[accessible]booleanIf true, boards accessible but not necessarily visible to the current user will also be included in the list. Otherwise, the list will only contain boards visible to the user.
[prepend]stringText or HTML to include as content at the beginning of the dialog.


A callback function to run after making a selection in the dialog.

[boardId]string | ArrayThe numerical ID of the selected board. If multiple boards can be selected this parameter will be an array of selected board IDs.
[boardName]string | ArrayThe name of the selected board. If multiple boards can be selected this parameter will be an array of selected board names.