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Censored Words

This feature allows you to have undesirable words automatically replaced with your chosen alternative. Censored words affect posts, thread titles, display names, signatures, and member status.

Adding a Censored Word

  1. Enter the word that you want to censor in the Censored Word field.
  2. In the Replacement Word field, add the word(s) you would like to replace the censored word with or leave the field blank to remove the word entirely.
  3. Optional: Tick the box for Exact Match. See How Censoring Works.
  4. Click the check mark at the far right to save the entry.

Censored word entry example

Managing Your Censored Words

Censored word entry example


The Censored Word, Replacement Word, and Exact Match columns are sortable. Click on a column title to sort by that column. Click the column title again to toggle between ascending and descending order.

Modifying an Entry

A censored word can be edited directly in the list eliminating the need to delete and create a new entry.

Deleting an Entry

Click the trash can icon at the right of an entry to delete it from the list. Then click the check mark to confirm deletion or the X to cancel and keep the entry.

How Censoring Works

The table below shows how a censored word affects a sentence both with and without a replacement word as well as with and without the exact match option.

Ticking the checkbox in the Exact Match column censors the word only when the exact word is matched. When the checkbox is unticked, the word is censored even if it is part of another word.

Censoring Examples

The original sentence is: Badminton is fun for the admin.

Censored WordReplacement WordExact MatchCensored Results
adminBton is fun for the.
adminBadminton is fun for the.
adminstaffBstaffton is fun for the staff.
adminstaffBadminton is fun for the staff.

Word Case

Censored Word entries are case-insensitive.

Censored WordWill find and replace:
adminadmin, Admin, ADMIN, aDmIN, etc.
Adminadmin, Admin, ADMIN, aDmIN, etc.
ADMINadmin, Admin, ADMIN, aDmIN, etc.

Replacement Word entries are case-sensitive replacing exactly as entered, and do not adjust to match the case of the censored word.

The original sentence is: Admin should wear blue.

Censored WordReplacement WordCensored Results
adminstaffstaff should wear blue.
Adminstaffstaff should wear blue.
ADMINstaffstaff should wear blue.
adminSTAFFSTAFF should wear blue.