Changing the Forum Title

After a forum is created, generally the next thing tackled is adjusting the forum title.  Just like a member can have a username and a display name, a forum has its URL and forum title.  Initially they are the same, but the forum title can be easily customized or removed without it affecting the URL.

Renaming the Forum Title:

To rename the title that is displayed on your forum, go to Admin > Settings > Forum Settings, Forum Tab.  The very first field is the title.
When you type in the new title it is automatically saved.

Not Displaying a Forum Title:
If you have logo banner or do not wish the title to be displayed on the banner, do NOT erase the Forum Title field.  Instead go to Admin > Themes > Theme Manger, and click on the appropriate theme.  In the Settings Tab of the theme the third option is where you control if the title is displayed or not.  You would select Do Not Display a Title. Your selection will be automatically saved.

Forum Settings Field - Do NOT Leave BlankTheme Settings Tab

When you change the forum title it affects the banner area, the navigation tree and the browser tab. The forum URL remains unchanged.

Changing (or erasing) affects the navigation tree in the Admin Panel as well.

Styling the Forum Title:
Go to Admin > Themes > Advanced Styles & CSS, Visual Editor Tab, then Forum > Header > Forum Banner > Banner Text. In this area you can change the font, color and style of the forum title.
