Important Threads v0.1.5 Beta

By Todge  //  Overall Rating stars 18 Votes
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With this plugin you can flag threads as important. The flagged threads will appear, by default, at the top of every page on your forum in a format and similar to Proboards default, but you can have them displayed pretty much where and how you like.

Hopefully the settings are self explanatory, but feel free to post in the help thread with any questions.


stars By Admin
October 20, 2019
Great plugin, really it is. It has some issues, which are not resolved for a long time and probably will not. Finally I decided to get rid of it. Too disturbing, too log to load page, too many panels, etc.
stars By DCVamps
October 24, 2018
I want to use this plugin, as it seems like it would be a great tool to help members find the more important threads quickly. The biggest issue I have though, is when I mark a thread as important, the entire section with important threads will disappear from the forum. If this can be fixed, I would improve my rating, but as it stands right now, its just unusable. - I realize this may be a problem with the theme my forum has, though unfortunatly I no longer have the proboards default theme in my theme libary and cannot test that theory, I would say that a plugin that doesnt work with themes is a major problem and would need a warning in the description.
stars By Spectre
May 31, 2018
let me seeeeeeeeeee
stars By Marie
October 24, 2017
I ran out of super key room and have been wanting this feature for a very long time. Awesome job Todge I have downloaded this plugin just encase I am able to make room for one more superkey. ♥
December 22, 2016
stars By Admin
June 10, 2016
stars By Misery
May 16, 2015
March 16, 2015
Excellent plug in. thanks
stars By MSG
March 5, 2015
Very nicely done to highlight the most important threads. Two thumbs up, Todge!
stars By dzp
March 1, 2015
stars By Lynne
February 21, 2015
Great work! Thank you! This is going to be so helpful!
stars By Admin
January 31, 2015
Excellent, Well done.
stars By Admin
January 27, 2015
stars By gtv22
January 12, 2015
December 16, 2014
We have found this a good way to showcase threads which are most likely to attract guests to read and, with any luck, register so they can post in them. It's limited, but it does what it is intended to do without a problem and with a lot of flexibility. Todge's responsiveness is also superb.
December 9, 2014
Great feature. It has one small issue (the author already knows): Problem: IF you want to delete a topic from the Important list, you MUST mark that topic as unimportant first. Otherwise, it will be stuck in the Important box. Fix: To fix it, simply delete the plugin and reinstall it. The author will probably fix this problem soon.
December 7, 2014
December 4, 2014
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