Badges are digital flair for your profile on ProBoards forums. Collect them, gift them, show them off, have fun with them.

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from the forum

Pile of Water Balloons

Pile of Water Balloons
10 Water Balloon badges. Throw them at people for a fun surprise.
$3.00 QTY:

Pile of Snowballs

Pile of Snowballs
10 Snowball badges. Throw them at people for a fun surprise.
$3.00 QTY:

Hot Potato

Hot Potato
Toss this badge around in a fun game to unlock hidden badges.
$2.00 QTY:

Cookie Badge

Cookie Badge
Cookies are an ancient internet way to show appreciation.
This Badge is Regiftable
$1.00 QTY:

Thank You Badge

Thank You Badge
Show someone you care. Say how much you appreciate them.
This Badge is Regiftable
$1.00 QTY:

Like Badge

Like Badge
That was pretty awesome, you should say how much you liked it.
This Badge is Regiftable
$1.00 QTY:

Apple Pie Badge

Apple Pie Badge
A tasty warm apple pie that you can share with 3 friends!
$5.00 QTY:

Great Staff Member Badge

Great Staff Member Badge
Show this staff member that you care and think they're awesome!
$2.00 QTY:

Birthday Cake Badge

Birthday Cake Badge
Happy birthday to that person, happy birthday to them!
$2.00 QTY:

Birthday Cake Badge

Birthday Cake Badge
Happy birthday to that person, happy birthday to them!
$2.00 QTY:

Developer Badge

Developer Badge
Shows a member has awesome ideas and is great and making them reality.
$1.00 QTY:

Designer Badge

Designer Badge
Shows a member is creative and artistic and makes dreams reality.
$1.00 QTY:

Coder Badge

Coder Badge
Shows a member is a genius with a keyboard and can code like a pro.
$1.00 QTY:

Comedian Badge

Comedian Badge
Shows a member is a funny person who always has a punch line!
$1.50 QTY:

Helpful Member Badge

Helpful Member Badge
Shows that a member is always willing to lend a hand to those in need.
$1.00 QTY:

Great Writer Badge

Great Writer Badge
Shows a member speaks with a purpose in a clear and concise manner.
$2.00 QTY:
On Sale Special Deals